
Sunday, 26 March 2017

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What is the Difference Between AND

There’s a world of difference between the two sites as a whole is huge. is an application that must be installed and hosted by the user which means not only do you have to rent a server you always have to rent a domain.

This can get exceedingly costly as time goes on as it charges by how much space you want to use, or you can choose a different host but they can do a lot of things you don’t approve of.

These host sites own the servers that you use which means if they really wanted to, they could claim rights to anything you’ve posted. It can get tricky but in the long run, you’re not charged for using any extra codes or themes.Let’s look at a few things that make these two sites different. READ: Is Search engine optimisation SEO a Legitimate Form of Marketing?


WORDPRESS IS SIMPLE is like renting an apartment where everything from setup, maintenance and updates are taken care of.
While is like having your own house where you have to take care of everything, like choosing a hosting provider and a hosting package, installation of Word Press to your hosting provider, choosing your own domain and designing, maintenance and updates of the blog.

The .com version is a lot cleaner and a lot nicer, it’s also easier for someone who has never blogged in their life and aren’t looking to do it for a living.

There are set theme packs and diverse assortments of back grounds with plenty of static options to choose from.

The .org version is extremely diverse and you can either just a pre-made installment or write your code from the ground up. There’s plenty of features like putting in ad’s and putting in a lot more share buttons. The .org is for those who want to profit from blogging as it makes it easy to keep track of revenue and put the whole site towards making money.

WORDPRESS GIVE EACH SIDE DIFFERENT TOOLS has 200+ themes that are being updated regularly, you can customize them but can’t upload a customized theme but is free.
These sites can use themselves as hosts for either the every day blogger or advertising at cheap cost for a business.

The .com version is not easy to make money with as it blocks most advertisement tools. They easily block most spam and act like a twitter account for bloggers.

You can format an entire document and don’t have to worry about coding in paragraphs or writing image codes into the whole thing, just simple press the button and it’s taken care of.

While, gives you the facility to upload a customized theme but a good web host on WordPress costs you around $7-12 a month.

You have to write every line of code for anything you want to do, on the other hand you can also use their tools to do many things you can do on the .com version but you have to know which buttons have the right code.

You can also access stock photo’s on the .org for taking your site to the next level where on the .com version you have to upload your own photo.

CODE LIMITATIONS doesn’t allow you to change the PHP and upload the plugins, the data is automatically backed up and you get the traffic. You are given the choice to rent for fonts and css coding but anything else is blocked.

This falls in line with the .com version blocks any type of outside ad application. On their forums, they have also said that they will not make it available to users. Also, you have to type in a special line if you are to use any videos with the .com version.

While provides you with such facilities but you have to control the spasm and backups.

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